Appendix A-Sage 100 Contractor Features > Working With Attachments > About file and link Attachments on records

About file and link Attachments on records

What are attachments?

Attachments provide functionality to attach files and/or Web links to selected records in Sage 100 Contractor. There are two methods for attaching files and links. You can add them individually using the Attachments window (Edit > Attachments), or you can simply drag-and-drop files and/or Web links onto a Sage 100 Contractor window that accepts attachments.

A few examples of Sage 100 Contractor windows that accept attachments are payable invoices, requests for proposal, progress bills, change orders, purchase orders, jobs.

How can I use attachments?

Here are a few examples:

How does attachment functionality work?

You create an attachment as either a “local” attachment or a “link” attachment. Link attachments can either be a file or a URL (Web site link).

Creating a “local” attachment, associates the a local file (on your local computer) or a copy of a network file (copied from a network computer) to an Sage 100 Contractor record in your local computer's company data. In this process, the program creates a local folder and subfolder structure in your local company where the record is located.

Creating a “link” attachment, attaches a link to the remote file (on a network computer) or URL link to Web page on a remote computer. The program does not create a local folder and subfolder structure in your local company for linked attachments.

Important! For link attachments, do not rename an attachment's file server after attaching a file. Sage 100 Contractor cannot locate a linked file if the file server is renamed or replaced by a server with another name.

Can I drag and drop files to create attachments?

If a record accepts attachments, you can drag and drop files onto the window to create an attachment. This includes graphic files, Web links, email messages, desktop shortcuts, or any other file type.

Note: If you use Microsoft Outlook, you can drag and drop email messages from your Inbox list directly onto a Sage 100 Contractor record.

Where are attachments located?

First, let's look at what happens when you attach a local file to a record. When you add the attachment and save the record, the program creates an Attachments folder and folder structure under \MB7\[company]\Attachments. To prevent naming conflicts between files, each file in placed into a subfolder with a unique name.

For example, let's suppose you are working in Sample Company job Jiminez Burrito #8, and you attach a local graphic file to record 8 in 6-4-1 Change Order, Floor Tile Upgrade. After saving the record, in Windows Explorer, you will find this path: \MB7\Sample Company\Attachments\Jobs\Change Orders\(unique subfolder name)\(file name).gif.

Tip: Sample Company data can be changed on any computer. The Sample Company data in these examples may not match the Sample Company data on your computer exactly.

What is the attachment parent-child structure?

You probably noted that the Change Order folder is a subfolder of Jobs. That's because the program creates Attachments according to the existing parent-child relationships that already exist in the program for Jobs and Change Orders.

For example, the parent record for the change order is the job, 215-Jiminez Burrito #8. If you were to open, 6-6-1 Purchase Orders to record 38, clear the Lock Edit, and add the same graphic file to this record and then look at the folder structure, you will find MB7\Sample Company\Attachments\Jobs\Purchase Orders\(unique subfolder name)\graphic.gif. The attachments to the purchase order record and the change order record are both “children” of job 215—Jiminez Burrito #8, which is located in 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable).

What do I see when opening parent record when children have attachments?

You can attach files to both “parent” records and “child” records. For example, you can attach files and links to job 215-Jimenez Burrito #8 directly from that job's record in 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable) or to that job through other records such as Change Orders, Purchase Orders, Subcontracts, and so forth. As described above, you can add attachments to records that are children of the job.

Because of the parent-child structure of the program, when you open the Attachments window from the parent window 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable) 215-Jimenez Burrito #8, you can select different ways to view the Attachment related to this job using the box with the title, Show items attached to:

How does attaching network files work?

When you select a network file to attach to a record, the program recognizes that it isn't a local file and offers two choices, Copy the file to my company data (my local computer), or Link to the existing file (on a network computer).

If you select to Copy the file to my company data, the program makes a copy of it and places it in a folder\subfolder structure under \MB7\(company)\Attachments\ in its parent-child relationship.

If you select to Link to the existing file, the file remains on the network computer. A copy of it is not created, and it does not appear in a folder under \MB7\(company)\Attachments\. In fact, if you never link to a local file or copy a attachment file to your computer, you will never see an Attachments folder under the company folder.

What happens if I select “Protect this file from being changed”

After you link to a network file by selecting Copy the file to your company data, you have the option to Protect this file from being changed. After saving the record, if you were to open the linked file and try to edit it, the program that opens it displays a message stating that the file cannot be changed, is read-only, or something similar. The message displayed depends on the program that opens it.

Note: If you select the option, Link to the existing file, the Protect this file from being changed option is unavailable. If you need to prevent an attachment from being changed, select the Copy file to my company data option.

How do I attach Web links?

When adding a link to a Web page as an attachment, you are encouraged to copy and paste the contents of your browser's Address box (a URL—unique resource locator) into the box on the Add Attachment window. You can type the URL in the box, but it's much easier to copy and paste it to avoid possible errors from typing mistakes.

Tip: Attachments that are Web links are always remote and never appear in an Attachments folder under \MB7\(company name).

How do I know that a record has attachments? Are there visual indicators?

An Attachment button has been added to the toolbar. It displays a paper clip against a grey background if the record has no attachments. It displays a paper clip against a white rectangle if the record has attachments. You can click the Attachments button to open the Attachments window whether the record has attachments or not.

Important! To provide room for the Attachments button, the Count button has been removed from the toolbar. On windows that provide the count files functionality, the Count command is available from the menu bar.

Can I email attachments?

Important! Emailing attachment functionality only works if Microsoft Outlook is your default Email client.

Yes, just open an Attachments window, and select one or more attachments. Click Email, and the program opens an email message with the attachments included in the Attach... box.

Can I print Attachments?

Yes, just open an Attachments window, and select an attachment. Click Print, and the program opens the file in the program that is controlled by your Windows settings.

Note: Printing from the Attachments window behaves the same as right-clicking the file in Window Explorer and selecting Print from the menu.

Links to more information . . .

More resources

For additional online resources for Sage 100 Contractor products, visit the Sage Customer Portal. Use the portal to access the knowledgebase, chat online with customer support, or enter a customer support ticket.

For additional training on Sage products, visit Sage University.