Working with 5-Payroll > 5-5 Daily Payroll > 5-5-1 Daily Payroll Entry > Entering time for employees

Entering time for employees

You can capture many types of information when entering the time for an employee. However, you do not need to put a value in every cell. Enter only the information that is appropriate for your business needs.

Important! Entering information in certain cells is conditional and based on the value in another cell. For example, if you enter a value of 1-Regular in the Pay Type list, the Piece Rate and Piece cells are unavailable. Likewise, if you enter 7-Piece Pay in the Pay Type list, the Pay Rate and Hours cells are unavailable. This situation also applies to paygroups.

When entering the time for employees and equipment, create a separate row in the grid when there is a change to the job or equipment cost data (job, phase, equipment repaired/operated, cost code, pay type, pay rate, and so on).

For example, suppose an employee operates a backhoe in the morning and a dump truck in the afternoon, both at the same job site. You would create two rows in the grid. The first row indicates the time the employee operated the backhoe. The second row indicates the time the employee operated the dump truck.

To enter time for an employee:

  1. Open 5-5-1 Daily Payroll Entry.

  2. The date box automatically defaults to today’s date.

  3. In the Employee cell, right-click and choose Display Lookup Window or Display Detail/Add Record.

  4. Then select an employee or add a new employee, as needed.

  5. Enter information in the other cells in the row as needed.

    You can use the right-click function in some of the cells. In other cells, you can just click to enter a value.

    1. In the Description cell, enter the worker’s job description.
    2. In the Service Order# cell, enter the service order number.
    3. In the Job cell, enter the job.
    4. In the Equip Repaired cell, enter the piece of equipment that was repaired.
    5. In the Locality cell, enter the local payroll tax district number.
    6. If the job has a certified payroll, in the Certified cell, type Yes.
    7. If the job has phases, in the Phase cell, enter the phase number.
    8. In the Cost Code cell, enter the cost code number.
    9. In the Pay Type cell, enter the pay type.
    10. If you are using paygroups, in the Paygroup cell, enter the paygroup number.
    11. In the Pay Rate cell, enter the employee’s pay rate.
    12. In the Hours cell, enter the number of hours the employee worked.
    13. If you are paying a piece rate, in the Piece Rate cell, enter the rate.
    14. If you are paying a piece rate, in the Piece cell, enter the number of pieces.
    15. In the Comp Code cell, enter the Workers’ Compensation code number.
    16. If you are using departments, in the Department cell, enter the department number.
  6. Use the next nine rows to enter information about equipment:

    1. In the Operated Equipment cell, to cost a piece of equipment, enter the equipment number.
    2. In the Operated cell, enter the number of operated hours you want to cost.
    3. In the Standby cell, enter the number of standby hours you want to cost.
    4. In the Idle cell, enter the number of idle hours you want to cost.
    5. In the Rental Unit cell, enter the number of the rented piece of equipment.
    6. In the Operated Rental cell, to cost a piece of equipment, enter the equipment number.
    7. In the Standby Rental cell, enter the number of rental standby hours you want to cost.
    8. In the Idle Rental cell, enter the number of rental standby hours you want to cost.
    9. Use the next three rows for entering additional information.
    10. You can rename the User Defined column, and enter user-defined information.

      Tip: To change the name of a user-defined column, click a cell of the column, and then press F7 to open the Field Properties window. In the User Description and User Prompt text boxes, type the new name and entry prompt.

    11. In the Notes cell, enter a note about this row.
    12. In the Absence cell, enter the reason for an absence.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each employee and/or piece of equipment.
  8. On the File menu, click Save.

Important! When all daily payroll records have been entered for the pay period, convert the daily records into timecards.


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