Working with 7-Utilities > 7-2 Company Information > Entering company information

Entering company information

After you have created a blank new company, you have to enter the company information.

To enter general information:

  1. In the Company list, click the company.
  2. Open 7-2 Company Information.
  3. In the Company Name text box, enter the company name.
  4. In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip text boxes, enter the address information.
  5. In the Phone# text box, enter the telephone number.
  6. In the Fax# text boxes, enter the fax telephone number.
  7. In the Email text box, enter the company email address.
  8. In the License# text box, enter the contractor license number.
  9. In the Resale# text box, enter the company’s State Resale License Number.
  10. In the Federal Tax Id# text box, enter the company’s Federal Identification Number.
  11. (Optional) In the User Def1 and User Def2 text box, enter the user-defined information as necessary.
  12. In the Recur. Trans. Group (Recurring Transactions Group) text box, select the security group responsible for posting recurring transactions.

    Important! If you do not enter a security group in the Recurring Transactions Group text box, Sage 100 Contractor does not provide a reminder that recurring transactions need to be posted.

  13. In the lower left of the window, click the State Tax Id# button to enter the company’s state tax identification in the State Tax Id# window. 

    Important! If you are planning to file W-2 data electronically, enter the federal and state tax identification numbers without blank spaces or hyphens between numbers.

To enter payroll direct deposit setup information:

  1. Click the Payroll Direct Deposit Setup tab.
  2. Complete the following in the Company bank information for direct deposit section:
    1. In the Routing# text box, enter your company’s bank routing number.
    2. In the Accounting# text box, enter your company’s bank account number.
    3. In the Account Type, select your company’s bank account type.
  3. In the Options for direct deposit ACH file section, fill out and select the appropriate options for your direct deposit ACH file:
    1. Origin Bank Name—optional bank name for the 'Immediate Origin Bank Name ' field
    2. Destination Bank Name—optional bank name for the 'Immediate Destination Bank Name' field
    3. Optional Bank Routing#—optional bank routing number for the 'Immediate Destination' field
    4. ID Code Designator (ICD)—select blank or any number between 1 and 9 for the company identification fields.
    5. For 'Immediate Origin Name' in file header record, select your company name or Origin Bank Name
    6. For 'Immediate Destination Name in file header record, select blank or Destination Bank Name
    7. For 'Immediate Origin' in file header record, select your company FEIN or your routing#
    8. For 'Immediate Destination' in file header record, select your routing# or Optional Bank Routing#
    9. For File formatting options, select or clear the check boxes appropriate to the preferences of your financial institution.
      1. Include company debit line
      2. Include optional hard return
      3. Include optional "9" fill

Note: If you have any questions about which check boxes to select, contact your financial institution.

To enter vendor direct deposit setup information:

  1. Click the Vendor ACH Payment Setup tab.

    Note: If there is a routing number in the payroll direct deposit setup, Sage 100 Contractor will ask if you want to copy the information from the Payroll Direct Deposit Setup tab. This copies and pre-fills all options, except for the Posting Cash Account number.

  2. Complete the following in the Company bank information for ACH payments section:
    1. In the Routing# text box, enter your company’s bank routing number.
    2. In the Accounting# text box, enter your company’s bank account number.
    3. In the Account Type, select your company’s bank account type.
    4. In the Posting Cash Account, display the lookup window and select the applicable cash account.
  3. In the Options for ACH payment file section, fill out and select the appropriate options for your direct deposit ACH file:
    1. Origin Bank Name—optional bank name for the 'Immediate Origin Bank Name ' field
    2. Destination Bank Name—optional bank name for the 'Immediate Destination Bank Name' field
    3. Optional Bank Routing#—Optional bank routing number for the 'Immediate Destination' field
    4. ID Code Designator (ICD)—select blank or any number between 1—9 for the company identification fields.
    5. For 'Immediate Origin Name' in file header record, select your company name or Origin Bank Name
    6. For 'Immediate Destination Name in file header record, select blank or Destination Bank Name
    7. For 'Immediate Origin' in file header record, select your company FEIN or your routing#
    8. For 'Immediate Destination' in file header record, select your routing# or Optional Bank Routing#
  4. For File formatting options, select or clear the check boxes appropriate to the preferences of your financial institution.
    1. Include company debit line
    2. Include optional hard return
    3. Include optional "9" fill

Note: If you have any questions about which check boxes to select, contact your financial institution.

To set up your company to process electronic receipts:

  1. Make sure you have your Sage Payment Solutions merchant ID and merchant key handy.

    Note: Sage sends you these credentials when you purchase a Sage Payment Solutions account.

  2. On the Electronic Receipts tab:
    1. In the Merchant ID and Merchant Key fields, enter your Sage Payment Solutionsmerchant credentials.
    2. To ensure that you have entered the correct information and that your account is valid, click Validate Credentials.
    3. In the Posting Cash Account field, enter the general ledger cash account associated with the bank account to which you will deposit electronic receipts. (This account should correspond to the bank account used in Sage Exchange.)
    4. If you want to use the Sage Exchange Vault to store credit card and bank account information from your client, select Allow client credit card and bank account information to be securely stored in the Sage Exchange Vault.

For information about the Sage Exchange Vault, see About Sage Exchange.

To configure Email and Fax:

  1. Fill in the information on the Email and Fax Configuration tab after reading the following information:

  2. In the SMTP Mail Configuration section, do the following:
    1. In the Email Server text box, enter the name of the email server.
    2. In the Port# box, type the email server port number.
    3. Select Requires authentication, if the Internet service provider (ISP) service handling your email service requires user authentication.
    4. Select Uses SSL for email, if required by the Internet service provider.
  3. In the Fax Configuration section, type your fax line number in the Phone Dial Out text box.

    Tip: You can change the email server and fax line access selections to accommodate sending reports from multiple locations with different requirements.

  4. On the File menu, click Save.

To set a company as an archive:

  1. From the menu, select Options.
  2. Select Set as Company Archive.

Note: Anyone can set a company as an archive, but only the Supervisor user can remove this setting.


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