Working with 8-Equipment Management > 8-3 Equipment Records > Costs of Operation > About estimated use

About estimated use

Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Equipment Module.

In 8-3 Equipment on the Cost Recovery/Rental Rates tab, under Estimated Use, select the unit of measurement, and enter the amount of use expected over the resource consumption period.

When selecting the unit of measurement, consider how you track and report the actual use. Contractors often charge by the hour for large equipment such as backhoes and dump trucks, but charge by the day for pickups or large compressors.

To estimate the use, examine previous equipment records spanning the same amount of time as the indicated resource consumption period. In the estimate, include only equipment use. Ownership costs already include idle time, you do not need to include these costs in the estimated use. Likewise, do not include transport time as the job estimate usually covers these costs separately.

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