Working with 3-Accounts Receivable > 3-11 Recurring Receivables > Setting up recurring receivable transactions in 3-11 Recurring Receivables

Setting up recurring receivable transactions in 3-11 Recurring Receivables

To set up a recurring receivable transaction:

1 Open 3-11 Recurring Receivables.
2 Enter header information for the recurring receivable as follows:
a In the Job text box, enter the job number.
b If the job uses phases, enter the phase number in the Phase text box.
c In the Description text box, enter a brief statement about the transaction.
d In the Next Date text box, enter the next date when the transaction needs to post.
e In the Cycle text box, enter the transaction cycle.

In Sage 100 Contractor, a cycle is represented by ##DY (a number of days), ##MO (a number of months), and ##TH (a specified day every month). You replace the ## symbols with the number of days or months, or the day of the month for the processing cycle. For example:

  • 30DY means due every 30 days.
  • 02MO means due every two months.
  • 25TH means due on the 25th day of each month.
f In the Due Terms text box, enter the cycle for the date when the invoice is due.
g In the Discount Terms text box, enter the cycle for the date by which the vendor must receive payment for the discount to apply.
h In the Status list, click the invoice status.
i In the Type list, click the invoice type.
3 Enter item lines for the recurring receivable in the grid. For each item:
a In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the line item.
b In the Quantity cell, enter the quantity purchased.
c In the Price cell, enter the price per unit.
d In the Account cell, enter the ledger account.
4 On the File menu, click Save.

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