Working with 5-Payroll > 5-2 Payroll Processing > 5-2-1 Employees > Tracking employee training

Tracking employee training

You can track employee training with Sage 100 Contractor.

To track an employee’s training:

  1. In the 5-2-1Employees window, use the data control to select the employee.
  2. At the bottom of the window, click the Training button.
  3. In the Employee Training window that appears, do one of the following:

  4. In the Last Date text box, enter the date when the employee last received training.
  5. In the Training Cycle text box, enter the cycle when the employee next receives training.

    In Sage 100 Contractor, a cycle is represented by ##DY (a number of days), ##MO (a number of months), and ##TH (a specified day every month). You replace the ## symbols with the number of days or months, or the day of the month for the processing cycle. For example:

  6. In the Next Date text box, enter the next date that training will be presented.
  7. In the Notes column, enter notes about the employee training as needed.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each license. Note that only step 3 is required.
  9. Click File > Save.

    The Employee Training window closes.

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More resources

For additional online resources for Sage 100 Contractor products, visit the Sage Customer Portal. Use the portal to access the knowledgebase, chat online with customer support, or enter a customer support ticket.

For additional training on Sage products, visit Sage University.